The Most Popular Twitch Tags for Influencer Marketing

For the Twitch viewer who isn’t already a committed fan of any particular streamer, Twitch tags are their primary method for discovering new content. Twitch’s Search function gives weight to tags on streams (as well as looking at stream titles), but viewers can also specifically find tags alone by heading to Twitch’s Browse page. Perhaps the most powerful use of tags though is their function as hashtags (like on X) that can be clicked on directly to find similar content.In this article, we’re looking at the 30 most popular tags on Twitch and exploring the trends among them, including types of tags, who uses these tags, and how brands and developers can make use of these tags to get their product to the live streaming audience.Tag data isn’t foolproof for a number of reasons that bear understanding before analysis. .Automatic tags include language tags to denote the streamer’s spoken language, and category tags can be applied to game genres or specific game titles. For the purpose of analysis here, we’re looking exclusively at custom tags.Additionally, custom tags don’t automatically convert between languages. An English streamer might add the tag “autism” to show their stream is autism-friendly. But a French speaker with the same intention will add the tag “autisme”. These tags therefore aren’t counted together. For this reason, tags that cross language barriers (“anime”) or are internet-friendly acronyms (“IRL”) tend to rank more highly.Finally, streamers often interpret tags in their own manner. This can be due to many reasons: They may be “blanket tagging” their content (when creators use the same tag on all of their streams even when their content for the day is different). Alternatively, they may use known popular tags to boost their viewership (such as Caedrel or xQc using the “VTuber” tag). Or, as one last example, they might use an FPS tag for a stream, considering all shooters to be FPS titles. Due to this subjectivity in tagging, some tags become more popular than others.